Sunday, February 11, 2007

Also Amazing!

Our class did a spectacular job in the "Yom Shirah" assembly today. We performed three songs and the class looked and sounded great.

It was nice to see so many parents at school as well. Next time you are in the building, check out our display of blooming almond trees in the hallway outside of our classroom, created in honor of Tu B'Shevat. The art project got the best possible complement from Cathy Topal (expert art educator and CBI member) - "Look how different they all are." No cookie-cutter art for us! We do like cutting cookies, however. And on that topic, anyone interested in helping us bake hamentashen for Purim?

We have begun the Musaf Kedushah - probably the most challenging part of the Shabbat service. It's also a part of the service that students are expected to lead at their Bar/Bat-Mitzvah. We are also about halfway through our travel unit - we've been to Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, the Judean desert and the Negev. When we get back from February vacation we'll create visit an Israeli restaurant, with help from Rosie T's moms.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to have missed yom shira...a nasty sore throat has kept me homebound all weekend...glad to hear that it was fun!

Depending on when you do the Hamentaschen, I may be able to help...keep me posted,
