Thursday, September 28, 2006

Joshua Fit de Battle of Jericho

Thanks to Mikaela, who presented a very thorough report on animals in Ancient Canaan.

In Hebrew we plodded ahead in our machberot and our new text books (see the last post.) Usually we review the morning prayers on Sundays, but since we don't have school on Sundays for the next three weeks we reviewed some of our prayers, and paused for some "syllabification." (Yes, I made up this word. I'll explain more when it's not so late.)

After recess and a fire drill, we plotted the Israelites' journey out of Egypt into Canaan (via Mt. Sinai) on our maps. The class then acted out a skit based on the story of Jericho, the first battle waged by the Israelites when they entered the land of Canaan. We listened to a CD of the spiritual Joshua Fit de Battle of Jericho, which we'll try to learn to sing on Tuesday.

Have an easy fast to all of you who are fasting-

Morah Amy

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