Today we read a description of the Ark from the Book of Exodus, and everyone attempted to draw what s/he imagined. Students - post your comments and let us know how you did! We also mapped out where the 12 tribes settled when they first entered the land of Canaan.
In Hebrew, we practiced the opening line of the Amidah, "Adonai Sifatai Tiftach, U-fi Yagid Tehillatecha" (Adonai, open up my lips that my mouth may declare your glory.) We worked on pronunciation, vocabulary and coreography.
We ended our day eating a snack in the sukkah and shaking the lulav and etrog. We celebrated the kashrut of Oreos, as I reminisced aloud about the days when they were made with pig fat. That was a hard time to be a Jew. If the weather is nice on Thursday we'll walk over to my house on Barrett Street and visit my family's sukkah.
Lastly, I'm posting one of the illustrations from my upcoming children's book, A Mezuzah on the Door, due out next Fall from Kar-Ben. The artist is Janice Fried, and I think she's great. Check out her website at www. janicefried.com .

The illustration looks fabulous. The book is going to be great!
Joshua says the ark in the pictures on your blog were nothing like mine. They were so much better because they were made out of materials and not a simple flat drawing. Your book looks great.
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