Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Cartoons, CDs and Calendar

Today we created calendars for the Hebrew month of Cheshvan. This is a potentially complicated task, involving calculating the hebrew letter equivalent of each date, as well as writing the month, year and days of the week all in Hebrew. We have practiced this skill twice before, but I was really impressed with how easily and successfully everyone completed the work. Afterwards, we recorded two more prayers for our class tefillah cd. It seems there's nothing quite so powerful as a microphone to get everyone to really show off what they've learned.

After recess, we made a comic strip of the story of the showdown between Dagon, the Phillistine idol, and the Ark of the Covenant. I'll try to remember to scan one or two frames so that I can post them here. For now, the work is hanging up on the bulletin board in the hallway, so please check it out.

Remember that there is an Open House on Sunday. Last year it was in the evening, and not one parent from Kitah Hay showed up. Despite my best efforts, I haven't even met some of you yet, so I really hope to see most of you there.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy, thank you so much for these updates and your amazing blog. Since we have 3 sons all attending hebrew school, we tried to each be in a class room and my husband went into the wrong one, so we never made it to yours, but I am so impressed with all your efforts. Thank you. Renee, Joshua's mom.