Thursday, October 05, 2006

Helping Hands

Today the first 20 minutes of Hebrew school was spent hand-delivering the hundreds of bags of food that were collected for the survival center. I'll report back when I find out how many pounds of food were collected this year.

I am pleased to report that everyone got at least a 100% on the map quiz today (I say "at least" because there was one extra credit question.) As the wife of a geography teacher, I can hold my head high at dinner tonight, knowing that at least a handful of children in Northampton know where the Euphrates River is.

After recess, it was time for art. I wish we had more time for art projects, but I do try to fit in one or two each month. Everyone illustrated a part of the story of the battle of Jericho, using the medium of torn-paper collage. In other words, no scissors were allowed - just glue sticks and construction paper. Precision is impossible; consequently, students often take greater risks, incorporating things in their pictures that they can't capture representationally.

Our class is responsible for the bulletin board next week, so you'll see these on display by Thursday.

Have a joyful Succot!

Morah Amy

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