Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Crossword puzzles

We are concluding our unit on the religions of Israel with a veritable crossword puzzle fest. I don't think Last Thursday every student created a puzzle with at least 10 clues related to Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Today everyone had the chance to solve each others puzzles. I don't think Will Shortz has anything to worry about, but some of the puzzles were really well designed and executed.

Today we began our next unit - traveling through the state of Israel. To kick off our trip we watched a DVD of an aerial tour of the land shot from a helicopter. It gave only a few of us travel sickness. Thursday we'll beginning visiting and researching various regions and cities. Thanks so much to Rosie Tabachnick's moms who bought and donated a full set of Israel travel books to our class. We'll make good use of these over the next 2 months. Still moving along in Kedusha....

We'll be baking desserts for the class shabbat dinner - hope to see many of you there.

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