Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Welcome Sarah Rose and Isaiah

We've started 2007 with 2 more students. Isaiah has returned from Oaxaca (with a great Mexican accent to his Hebrew) and Sarah Rose has joined anew. The more the merrier!

We are tying up a few loose ends from before vacation. We read about the seige on Masada, and took a web tour of the archaeological site. We'll be reading about the battle in depth in a read-aloud by Neal Waldman that we started today, although I'll be doing some selective editing of the very detailed account. At the end of the day we set up an archaeological museum in our classroom, with a display of Jewish coins from the period of the Judean revolt, that each student designed out of Sculpee.

We took time today to review the prayers we've learned so far, and will start to tackle the shabbat morning kedushah on Thursday. I'm trying to fit in a little more modern hebrew into our week as well. Today we read a story about a tricky crow with dove envy.

I hope to see all of you at our class Shabbat dinner in a few weeks. I plan to bring my own kids as well.

Morah Amy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news about the fundraising--we'll look forward to the efforts to raise more for this unique Jewish community.

I heard a lot of good stuff about class today--Sculpy coins were a particular hit at our end, apparently!

We plan to be at the Shabbat dinner on the 19th--look forward to meeting your cute kids.