Friday, January 05, 2007

Jesus visits our class

In an attempt to better understand the people who consider Jersalem their home, we're doing a brief unit on Christianity and Islam. We are reading excerpts from two read-alouds - What I Believe and One World, Many Religions. Students are filling out matrices to compare some basic information about Jews, Christians and Muslims. Some interesting questions came up about Christianity that I was not able to answer, but I did encourage the class to ask Christian friends and/or family if they wanted to know more.

We've begun the Shabbat Kedushah, the section of the Amidah when we rise on our toes singing "Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh." I explained to the class that this movement was intended to emulate the movements of angels. I asked students to demonstrate how they thought angels might move, and sing the same section with those movements instead. It was very.....spirited. Not so much how I imagine angels, but who really knows?

We met with the third grade class to prepare for Yom Shirah, our annual music assembly on February 11th.

Shabbat Shalom-

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