Saturday, January 27, 2007


We've taken off and headed to Israel. First stop - Jerusalem.

Our class has been divided into travel groups. Each group is planning its own itinerary through the Holy Land. After a class-wide introduction to each city or region through books and videos, the group researches restaurants, hotels and tourist attractions and writes a report on their visit.

While researching restaurants, one student raised her hand and asked "What's falafel?" I learned that over half of our class has ever eaten falafel. So......I'm hoping I can get some parent support to create an Israeli cafe for the end of this unit. I can handle baking cookies with the class on my own, but definitely not frying falafel balls!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Felafels are fun to make and so is hummus -- we could have a blast in the CBI kitchen -- when are thinking of doing it? I'd like to help but I just need some advance notice so I can take the time off from work.
